The Voice Of Crown Chakra

"I know…I am one with God, the greatest omnipotence, whose strength and power lovingly FLOW through me at all times!”

Crown Chakra, symbol, purple chakra

Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra located at the crown of the head is called the Crown Chakra, and the original Sanskrit name is Sahasrara. The term Sahasrara means 'thousand-fold'. The Crown Chakra is depicted as a lotus flower with a thousand white leaves and is the symbol of infinity tuned into the highest form of consciousness and the divine. This Chakra is the highest, both physically and spiritually. Here, the individual merges with the whole, creating Oneness with the universal Life force. The Crown Chakra stands for wisdom and being one with the world.

  • Imbalanced Crown Chakra

    When your Sahasrara or Crown Chakra is imbalanced, life becomes tough and full of challenges and a lack of focus and direction. The consistent jumble of emotions fogs the brain and results in melancholy, senility, confusion, and losing yourself. There is a depletion in enthusiasm, faith in life, and interest in daily life activities. One may resort to escape from reality and withdraw from society.

  • Balanced Crown Chakra

    When your Crown Chakra is balanced, you possess great intuitive knowledge. You are selflessly devoted to the well-being of others as you see others as part of you and not separate from you. You are aware of your spiritual self, and as a person, you are grounded and take care of yourself.

  • Overactive Crown Chakra

    When your Crown Chakra is overactive, you have trouble grounding yourself. You may possess a "God Complex" and consider yourself better than others, making it difficult for others to take you seriously. You intellectualize things too much, are addicted to spirituality, disconnect from the physical world, and may struggle to connect with people. You may develop negative beliefs about money.

  • Underactive Crown Chakra

    When your Crown Chakra is under-active, you feel that you lack a purpose in life and that everything is meaningless. You may feel unloved and blame circumstances outside of your control or even God. You lack balance in life and face difficulties in coordinating your life. You may struggle to grasp new ideas, lack the desire to explore your inner self, and might have excessive fear of death.

  • Focus on your dreams and write down your vision.

  • Practice quiet contemplation, meditation, and yoga.

  • Indulge in spiritual practices with tapes and spiritual courses.

  • Consume violet foods and beverages.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Lavender, Jasmine, and Magnolia.

  • Wear 9 mukhi Rudraksha or Amethyst or White quartz gemstones.

  • Incorporate violet color in your clothing, decor, art, and more.

  • Stop Blaming Destiny

    When one doesn’t achieve the desired success, one blames other people, situations, destiny, and god for everything and becomes disillusioned. They are barriers to your spiritual growth and flow of divine blessing. One should stop this blame game and focus on the support and encouragement they receive from the universe to be alive and experiencing life.

  • Live In An Attitude Of Gratitude

    You need to live with the attitude of gratitude every single moment of life. Every moment of your life is a Bhiksha (alm) from his divine. Pay your gratitude for this divine gift of life and all the support systems that keep you nurtured and taken care of right from birth. Value the people who support you to exist in the world with the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the roads you travel on, and so on.

Lessons Of The Crown Chakra

Giving Up The Illusion Of Possession

You are under the constant illusion that you possess your dear ones, the people around you, your job, assets, and other material possessions. It puts you under pressure as you fear losing them. What you own today is transient and may belong to somebody else tomorrow.

Not Taking Things Personally

You can control your behavior but not that of others, as it's a product of their upbringing, experiences, and thinking. Hence, if they hurt you, learn not to take it too personally.

Release The Illusion Of Dependency

When you experience something you like, like a beautiful sunset or tasty food, it's not the external stimulus that brings you joy but the soul's conscious presence in your body. Learn to live as a soul without dependence on external stimuli.

Drop your Discontentment

You may feel you don't have things that others do and it slowly builds up into discontentment. Relieve yourself from such feelings and find that you have attracted contentment.

Have Faith

When you pray to God to make things happen, he gives you the strength required. God makes you fail so that you rise higher to get what you truly deserve. Have faith in God's design.

Trust Yourself

Trust yourself because the almighty self resides in you. You should invoke that divine self and know that you have answers to every problem. Remove dependency from all external sources. You will get the desired result through patience, faith, fearlessness, and the right action.

Crown Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your crown chakra energy


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

YogiCharm is where you can empower your journey of self-realization, spiritual growth, inner peace, and overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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