The Voice Of The Heart Chakra

"I have…the right to exist because I was BORN!”

Heart Chakra, symbol, green chakra

Heart Chakra

Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra and is located at the centre of the chest. It is symbolized by a beautiful 12-petal lotus. The heart chakra is an emotional zone where you experience feelings of love, compassion, devotion, and generosity, and on the flip side feelings of despair, hate, envy, mistrust, and anger. Information stored in the Heart Chakra includes the connections or "heart strings" to those we love. An imbalance in the Heart Chakra may be felt as a lack of feelings, difficulty in relationships, and dependence on someone else for your happiness. One needs to strike the perfect balance between self-love and the love for others. The color associated with this chakra is Green, and its element is air.

  • Imbalanced Heart Chakra

    When your Heart Chakra is imbalanced, you tend to sabotage your relationships and career because of mistrust, anger, and revenge. There may be feelings of grief, neglect, and depression. You experience doubts, suspicions, and struggles between your mind and heart.

  • Balanced Heart Chakra

    When your Heart Chakra is balanced you enjoy comfortable, loving, and empathic relationships at home, at work, and in your community. You tend to display openness, spontaneity, generosity, and warmth with those you meet.

  • Overactive Heart Chakra

    When your Heart Chakra is overactive you lack discernment in your relationships and get controlled by emotions. You experience immense feelings of happiness, sadness, love, grief, anger, and possessiveness. You will be in relationships where you are always giving, but not receiving. You may not be able to let go of relations that have gone past their expiry dates.

  • Underactive Heart Chakra

    When your Heart Chakra is underactive, you feel a lack of compassion and empathy for yourself and others. You are scared to love or be loved because you fear betrayal. You may carry repressed emotional wounds and continue to hold on to bitterness, sorrow, and grief. You do not trust others and are often judgmental, critical, skeptical, and intolerant.

  • Walk barefoot on green grass and feel the nature around you.

  • Eat green foods and consume green drinks.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lavender and Geranium.

  • Listen to the sound of wind instruments like flute, saxophone, etc.

  • Wear 15 mukhi Rudraksha and gemstones like Emerald.

  • Incorporate green color in your clothing, decor, art, etc.

  • Experience Without Attachment

    Experience each moment for what it is and accept it, without referencing it to past or future moments. No moment can last forever because nothing is permanent. Fighting that reality will only cause you pain.

  • Let Go Of Attachment To People

    Your relationships with people in your life are all because of a "need" for security, safety, joy, pleasure, or self-worth. If you can find the source of satisfaction of all these needs within you, you can 'let go' of all attachments. In such relationships, you can joyfully conduct your roles and responsibilities with unconditional love and no expectations.

  • Let Go Of Attachment To The Past 

    You often cling to things, situations, or people because you feel happy, safe, and comfortable with them. Contemplate that even new things, situations, and people may give you the same feelings. So, let go of past attachments and open your mind and heart to a new future.

  • Let Go Of Attachment To Outcomes

    Make peace with the moment as it is, without worrying about the outcome. Release the need to know and accept uncertainty. There are no guarantees about how Life will play out. Just live well today.

  • Let Go Of Attachment To Feelings

    Understand that pain is unavoidable. You will lose things that matter and feel some level of pain. But it doesn't have to be as bad as you think. As the saying goes, pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Lessons Of The Heart Chakra

Release Expectations

Let go and release your expectations from life and people by realizing your inherent power in all situations. Focus on doing action and then trust the outcome. On releasing expectations, love flows unconditionally. 

Release Attachments

Whatever gives you pleasure also gives you pain. To evolve in life, you must break attachments, remove expectations, and make your love unconditional and divine.

Trust your Relationships

First form a union or partnership with due diligence. Then trust your partnerships with full awareness. With personal power you can protect your boundaries, so trust everyone with open eyes.


Release pain and hurt and forgive those who have hurt you intentionally or non-intentionally as that alone will set you free.

Heart Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your Heart chakra energy


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

YogiCharm is where you can empower your journey of self-realization, spiritual growth, inner peace, and overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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