The Voice Of The Root Chakra

"I have…the right to exist because I was born!”

root chakra symbol

Root Chakra

The meaning of Muladhara is 'root' or 'support'. This 4-petalled chakra is situated at the end of the spinal cord at the tailbone. The Root Chakra is associated with survival and safety. All that you achieve in the material world is derived from the energy of the first chakra. This is the energy center governing how safe and secure you feel in this world. It is fed by the hundreds of thoughts you think daily, which are being influenced by everything right from the morning news to cellular memory dating back to when your grandparents experienced struggles! The color associated with this chakra is Red, and its element is earth.

  • Imbalanced Root Chakra

    When your Root Chakra is imbalanced, negative energy clouds your mind. You may experience physical instability and subsequent negative emotions. This chakra governs the perineum, pubic bone, coccyx, legs, teeth, feet, bones, and the entire skeletal system. When it is not balanced it can cause physical harm.

  • Balanced Root Chakra

    Persons with a well-balanced Root Chakra appear grounded and are usually very healthy, earthy types. They can stand up for themselves and feel at home with themselves and the world. When this chakra is in balance, feelings of security, calmness, and connectedness to the earth are present.

  • Overactive Root Chakra

    An overactive Root Chakra affects the way a person interacts with his environment. It makes a person generally greedy and always dissatisfied. They have an "I know it all' attitude and a feeling that others are threatened by them which results in bullying behavior. There is also a tendency to be overly materialistic and self-centered.

  • Underactive Root Chakra

    An underactive Root Chakra affects a person's ability to remain grounded. An individual is always fearful and does not feel safe in their physical existence. They may have difficulty achieving goals and be out of touch with reality. Such a person might also have issues of low self-esteem and exhibit self-destructive behavior.

  • Incorporate physical activities such as an exercise program or yoga in your daily life.

  • Eat healthy food, especially root vegetables and drinks.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as sandalwood, cedarwood, ylang ylang or juniper.

  • Listen to stimulating music with deep beats such as drums.

  • Wear Cat's Eye, Coral, and 8-mukhi Rudraksha.

  • Include red color in your clothing, decor, art, etc.

  • Strength in unity

    There is tremendous power in Oneness. Learn to support others and derive strength through support from others. This will help you surmount many obstacles.

  • Your Body Is Your Temple

    Your body is the temple of your soul. It is through your body that you experience this human birth. So, maintain it with good food, exercise, and prepare it for work.

  • Removing Obstacles

    Never get bogged down and give up on challenges. While giving up may seem an easier way out, only removing obstacles will give you the necessary confidence and show you new horizons.

  • Organizing Your Life

    Create healthy order or structure in your life or home, such as creating a filing system or putting up shelves in the garage or basement. If you have belongings scattered in various places, take steps to "bring them home".

Root Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your Root chakra energy

Lessons Of The Root Chakra

Honoring Your Family

Learn to honor your parents, as they are the medium who brought you into this world. True success comes only to those who fortify the relationship and bond they have with their parents, relatives, and community. At times, you may not be able to take care of your parents as you would love to due to financial compulsions. In that case, do not carry any guilt, but instead do whatever little you can on your behalf to keep them comfortable and supported.

Work Is Worship

All work that is coming to you, you have to do it. You have to give up all fears of work and know that with innate power you can throw away all boulders and obstacles on your path. Nothing is impossible to achieve if you have the perseverance and if you put in the required hard work.

Mother Earth Provides For All

'Bhoomi Devi' or 'Mother Earth’ is the source of all abundance. She has provided for your needs in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Hence, connect with Her and surrender your survival fears to Her. Remember that you have a right to exist with abundance, just because you are born

Be Like Hanuman - Gain Control Over Senses

Lord Hanuman represents the destruction of your dependence on your senses. You too should gain complete control over your senses and use your body as a tool to march toward the purpose of your life with energy and enthusiasm


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

YogiCharm is where you can empower your journey of self-realization, spiritual growth, inner peace, and overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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