The Voice Of The Sacral Chakra

"I feel…pleasure and delight in the flow of life!”

Sacral Chakra symbol - orange chakra

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is called Swadhisthana. This 6 petal chakra is located at the lower belly about 2 inches below the Navel. "Swadhisthana" means one's abode. It holds the energy of creation around the area of the spleen. It controls the sexual organs and manifests joy, compassion, sensuality, and creativity. This chakra can also affect the lower back, lower digestive organs, and urinary system. It is a strong link to our mother's womb. The color associated with this chakra is Orange, and its element is water.

  • Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

    When your Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, you may struggle with romantic relationships and creativity blocks. Your partners are incompatible, and you find yourself wondering if you'll ever find 'the right one'. Your creativity gets blocked, and you find yourself in the wrong job that you cannot leave.  You could also become manipulative and feel emotionally imbalanced.

  • Balanced Sacral Chakra

    When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, you are full of dreams. You blossom as a person. Creative ideas originate in this Chakra. You are adaptable and able to go with the flow of life as you have a balanced mind and without fear. You attract compatible people who nourish you, fill you with joy, and make you a better person.

  • Overactive Sacral Chakra

    When your Sacral Chakra is overactive, you tend to be emotional and sensitive. You tend to be emotionally attached to people and focus on seeking too much pleasure from everything. There would be a tendency to take advantage of others, be manipulative, or cross boundaries in relationships.

  • Underactive Sacral Chakra

    When your Sacral Chakra is underactive, you may not feel spiritually connected. You have low self-esteem and cannot define healthy boundaries between yourself and others. You stop believing in good relationships and are often taken advantage of. You may not feel joyful or good about anything and often feel not loved and nurtured by others.

  • Hot aromatic baths. Water aerobics. Deep tissue massage.

  • Eat orange foods and consume orange drinks.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Melissa, Orange, Mandarin, Neroli, Tangerine.

  • Listening to music with a bounce or one that flows (running water, thunderstorms, etc).

  • Wear 2-mukhi Rudraksha and Gemstone Pearl or Orange Carnelian.

  • Incorporate orange color in your clothing, decor, art, etc.

  • Use Silver in your Jewelry.

  • Clear Self Doubt

    Self-doubt arises out of past failures and imbalances in your Swadhisthana Chakra. You start looking outside you for solutions. Clear your self-doubt, eliminate your fears, get back to action, and attain success.

  • Feel Safe & Protected

    Disharmony makes a person lose the feeling of being safe. Release this fear to realize that you are cared for and nurtured.

  • Stand Up For Yourself

    Blame and criticism from the outside world can make you feel dishonored. Learn to defend yourself and stand up for yourself.

  • Gain Command Over Life

    Difficult situations give you a feeling of 'Loss of Control' and affect your self-confidence. Know that life is all about joyful unions born through self-acceptance.

Lessons Of The Sacral Chakra

Define Rules And Roles In Relationships

Rules and roles should be clearly defined in every relationship, often repeatedly to serve their purpose. Clear-cut communication is essential as the parties involved may have different backgrounds and levels of understanding.

Only Wisdom Can Fight Ignorance

Gain all the possible knowledge without ignoring details about the person you are having any form of tie-up with. This will help you avoid frustration and helplessness in the future.

Take Three Opinions Before The Plunge

Before you marry someone, take up a job, or buy anything, investigate from at least three different sources before you make the final decision. It will save you regrets at a later date.

Showing Trust

Once you've entered a relationship, whether it's marriage, a job, or a contract, show trust in the union and the person. Doubt can only destroy a relationship.

Communicate Expectations

If you have any specific expectations or concerns in a relationship, make them a part of the agreement. It could be a non-negotiable value or morality.

Defines Your Non-Negotiables

Define the things you cannot compromise on and communicate to the other person, especially if you cannot convert them into being a part of the agreement.

No Dependability - No Fear

If you are dependent on your job and relationships, you fear losing them and letting others take advantage of you. Release the dependency and just do what is right.

A Relationship Isn't A Transaction

Be in a relationship for what you can be, not what you can get. When you expect to meet your needs, it becomes a transaction.

Have A High Self-Worth

If you have a low self-worth, you'll evaluate yourself based on the other's opinion about you and let yourself be taken advantage of. But to have a high self-worth, you need to know yourself and your value.

Sacral Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your Sacral chakra energy 


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

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