The Voice Of Solar Plexus Chakra

"I can…ACCOMPLISH both easy and difficult tasks with equal grace and ease!"

Solar Plexus chakra symbol - yellow chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura Chakra, or Solar Plexus Chakra, is the third chakra located at the navel. It is symbolized by a yellow lotus with ten petals. Its element is fire, which radiates and transforms matter into energy, giving light and warmth. This chakra represents our "get up and go" attitude, actions, willpower, vitality, and sense of personal power. Its name, 'Manipura' means 'lustrous gem'. We can think of it as a glowing yellow sun radiating through the center of our body. On the physical plane, the third chakra rules metabolism, the process by which we turn food (matter) into energy and action. Examining your relationship to the properties of fire can give further clues to the nature of your third chakra.

  • Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

    When the Solar Plexus Chakra is imbalanced, it manifests as anger, aggression, or a sense of being a victim. You feel others have control over your destiny and you are always taken for granted. You do not act upon opportunities because of fears of failure. You fear taking risks and are unable to follow a disciplined life because of a lack of willpower.

  • Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

    When your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you are full of energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and power. You will take on a task and complete it and not be bound by perfectionism. You will radiate warmth and love to all and have confidence, self-respect, and self-power.

  • Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra

    When your Solar Plexus Chakra is overactive, you are judgmental or critical and will always find fault in others. You strive for power, prestige, authority, and ambition. There is an insatiable desire to be in control of all situations, leading to sour relationships and personal frustrations.

  • Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra

    When the Solar Plexus Chakra is underactive, you start feeling isolated and closed to new ideas. You fear rejection from people and become overly conscious about their opinion of you. You constantly seek the approval of others and become dependent on them physically, emotionally, mentally, or socially. It makes you serious, and you have no laughter or joy in anything you do.

  • Taking classes, reading informative books, and doing mind puzzles.

  • Developing one's photographic memory.

  • Sunshine. Detoxification programs.

  • Eat yellow foods and consume yellow beverages.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Rosemary, Lemon, Grapefruit and Bergamot.

  • Listen to mentally stimulating music, learn how to play instruments.

  • Wear 12-Mukhi Rudraksha or Yellow stones like Citrine, Amber, and Topaz.

  • Incorporate yellow color in your clothing, decor, art, etc.

  • Respect Your Opinion 

    Know that your opinions matter. Your opinion is as important as those of others. So, respect your opinion.

  • Earn Self Respect 

    By following a disciplined life with your own set of cherished values, integrity, and commitment, you will earn self-respect in your own eyes.

  • Be Self Aware

    Self-awareness is the key to analyzing the full potential of your life. If you live with a closed mind, you become a prisoner of your thoughts and thus have a very limited vision. 

  • Know Your Real Worth 

    Your worth does not diminish because some people reject you. After all, it takes an intelligent 'Zohri' (jeweler) to know and appreciate the value of a diamond.

Lessons Of The Solar Plexus Chakra

Avoid Relationships Of Co-Dependency

Treat all relationships like partnerships. There is no dependency you have on anybody, be it physical, emotional, or mental. You should realize that you are independent and have a release dependency on others.

Releasing The Fear Of Being Different

You don't want to appear different out of fear of being alienated, ridiculed, compared, or opposed. Know that only those who stand apart from the crowd can succeed in achieving their goals.

Learning To Take Responsibility 

You may not take responsibility out of fear of failure or being incompetent. You must release these fears and know that to be successful, one needs to take responsibility and honor it.

Knowledge Is Power

Remember that knowledge is power. It makes one a leader and gives them the power to act. It also wins you, followers.

Negative Notions About Power

When you have negative notions about power, you can't be powerful. These include 'power corrupts', 'cheating is necessary for success', and 'all powerful people are bad'.

Discipline is important

Discipline is not just important to achieve success, but it adds strength to your personality and defines your moral character.

Earn Your Self Respect

You can't respect yourself without a reason. It has to be earned by thought, integrity, commitment, and consistent action.

Learning to say 'NO'

It is natural for others to have opinions about you and plans for you. But you need to have defined your vision and then stick to it. Hence, it is important to say 'No' to the things that do not align with you in life.

Developing leadership skill

Only those with the necessary knowledge, the ability to face challenges calmly, the conviction in their vision, and the character to lead from the front become leaders.

 Solar Plexus Chakra Charms

 Channel and boost your Solar Plexus Chakra energy


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

YogiCharm is where you can empower your journey of self-realization, spiritual growth, inner peace, and overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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