The Voice Of The Third Eye Chakra

"I see…my life flows with acceptance!"

Third Eye Chakra - indigo chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is called the Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna. Its original Sanskrit name is Ajna. The meaning of Ajna is 'perception', and it also means 'become aware of' and 'control'. The Third Eye Chakra is symbolized as a two-petalled lotus flower. This chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead, right over the bridge of the nose, between the physical eyes. The third eye sees the truth while physical eyes see past and present. From this level, we reach, control, or command our whole personality. This Chakra is the center of wisdom and intuition and is associated with the power of thought, imagination, and seeing on all levels. The color associated with this chakra is Indigo, and its element is light.

  • Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra

    When your Ajna Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you live in an illusory world. You do not accept new and challenging projects as you fear failure or are obsessed with perfection. You have an aggressive or rigid attitude and even a controlling behavior.

  • Balanced Third Eye Chakra

    When your Ajna Chakra is balanced, you can perceive and understand yourself accurately. You can make optimal choices and accurate assessments about people or situations. With the power of your mind and intuition, we can see the truth surrounding us.

  • Overactive Third Eye Chakra

    When the Ajna Chakra is overactive, you may live in a fantasy world. You are not connected to reality and have difficulty living life. You may think that life is unjust and blame the world for your problems. You may even hallucinate and become judgmental and over-intellectual in your thinking. 

  • Underactive Third Eye Chakra

    An underactive Ajna Chakra makes it difficult for you to think for yourself, and you depend on authorities to make decisions for you. You find it difficult to understand the spiritual side of the world and the connection between your inner and outer self. You are in a state of denial and are not able to see the truth.

  • Practice star gazing, eye rolls, and meditation.

  • Developing one's intuition and psychic abilities.

  • Consume indigo foods and beverages.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Patchouli, Frankincense, Myrrh.

  • Listen to music such as Mozart or Bach.

  • Chanting OM helps significantly.

  • Wear 17 Mukhi Rudraksha and indigo gemstones like Tanzanite and Blue Sapphire.

  • Incorporate indigo color in your clothing, decor, art, etc

  • Strengthen Your Willpower

    Your willpower, or sankalpa shakti is strengthened when you drop your attachments. Attachments lead to ignorance and lack of discrimination.

  • Embrace Your New Life

    Let go of how you thought life should be and embrace the changes that may come in your life. Welcome your new life into your consciousness. 

  • Exercise Wisdom (Viveka)

    Only when you use wisdom or Viveka, you are free from attachments and sorrow, and your mind opens up to all the answers you sought. It is the real awakening of the Kundalini energy.

  • Destroy Your Ego

    When you destroy your Ego or the Ahamkara, you can free yourself from Maya, or the Illusion. Also, when you free your mind from these illusions, the veil of ignorance lifts, and you can perceive reality.

Lessons Of The Third Eye Chakra

Law Of Acceptance 

Learn to accept the truth that 'change is constant'. All things end and begin at the right time. Consciousness is the ability to release the old and embrace the new. 

Law Of Pure Potentiality

Your soul is all-knowing, but it's hidden within layers of egos of the body, mind, and senses. To connect with your all-knowing soul, you need to quiet the mind and release all egos through meditation and yoga.

Law Of Intention And Desire

You are here to manifest your deepest dreams and desires. Just be open to all the people and situations that are guiding you, and enjoy the journey of manifestations. 

Law Of Detachment

You do not have to be rigidly attached to what you are supposed to be. There is so much power in allowing people around you to be what they are naturally, and to know what's natural about you.

Law Of Karma 

Life is about 'Cause and Effect'. You are neither the 'doer' nor the 'creator' but just a witness to situations you have attracted due to the 'Vrittis' (Thoughts) and 'Ahamkara' (Ego) around you. 

Releasing Ego Of Survival

Your ego of survival creates fear out of the perception that there is a threat to your survival. Release your ego of survival and subsequently all your fears.

Third Eye Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your Third Eye Chakra energy 


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

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