The Voice Of The Throat Chakra

"I speak…my truth, and it is liberating!”

Throat chakra, symbol , blue chakra

Throat Chakra

Vishuddha chakra, or Throat Chakra, is the fifth chakra located at the throat region above the collarbone. The throat chakra is represented by a lotus with 16 lotus petals. This chakra corresponds to the laryngeal plexus and is associated with hearing and listening. It is the purification point of the body and is the center of wisdom, willpower, truth, and power of choice. It is from this center that you express your needs and desires, your creativity, and your power of choice. The color associated with this chakra is blue, and its element is sound.

  • Imbalanced Throat Chakra

    When Throat Chakra gets blocked, it affects the ability to communicate as there is a literal "lump in the throat". It creates confusion about who you are and what your true purpose is. Creative impulses are suppressed as ideas do not move through to the lower chakras where they are made into reality.

  • Balanced Throat Chakra

    When your Throat Chakra is balanced you will find no problem in expressing yourself. Your voice will be rhythmic and resonant, clear with precise expression. You may be creative musically or artistically and find it easy to express your identity. You understand spirituality and can experience divine energy.

  • Overactive Throat Chakra

    When your Throat Chakra is overactive, your voice will be shrill and loud. You are likely to be over-opinionated and critical of others and shout even when not necessary. You are a bad listener and intellectualize and analyze things to avoid the vulnerability of feelings. You may also become a compulsive liar prone to gossiping. 

  • Underactive Throat Chakra

    When your Throat Chakra is underactive, you will find it difficult to express yourself. You feel shy. You cannot initiate a conversation and think that you do not have the right to ask a question. You can not express your emotions and have difficulty in telling the truth and being honest with yourself. 

  • Singing (in the shower) and toning your vocal cords.

  • Meaningful conversations. 

  • Taking self-development courses.

  • Neck and shoulder massages will help.

  • Consume blue foods and beverages.

  • Use aromatherapy oils such as Geranium, Chamomile, Peppermint, Mint, Cypress.

  • Listen to repetitive music, such as echoes or sounds of ocean waves.

  • Wear 4-mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow Sapphire or Blue Gemstones.

  • Incorporate blue color in your clothing, decor, art, etc.

  • Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

    Stop comparing yourself with others, as there will always be someone better than you or lesser than you. You have your own set of unique talents that can make you successful in manifesting your true desires. You should work on learning things that you need to learn, to become what you want to be.

  • Express Yourself

    You fear expressing yourself because you think others will reject you or they will get hurt. It leads to fear of sharing opinions with others and expressing one's talent. Remember that you are a unique soul, and your unique talents need to be expressed in society.

  • Remove The Fear Of Being Misunderstood

    Fear of being misunderstood arises when you doubt the other person's intention and capability to understand you. It leads to communication problems. Hence, you must trust the other person and know that you can make yourself understood. 

  • Releasing Dependency

    Communication always happens between equals. If you feel lesser or higher than the other due to dependency, you cannot communicate. Therefore, take all unions as equal partnerships by releasing dependency and honoring your right to speak, hear, and be heard.

  • Release Guilt

    Guilt is a message to the Universe that "I am wrong and have to be punished". You can't escape your guilt; you'll have to address it at some time or the other. Identify your guilt, magnify it, face it, and then release it. Accept that you did what you thought was right at that moment.

Lessons Of The Throat Chakra

Honor Your Right To Speak

You have come into this world with a unique purpose, and it is your moral duty to express your creativity, needs, and desires.

Honor Your Unique Identity

You must honor your identity and not compare yourself with others. It is necessary to analyze your true desires and not be influenced and enchanted by others. You must accept your uniqueness and express it.

Lessons Of Communication

The first rule of communication is to prepare the ground. You must release all fears of speaking and fears of listening and remove emotion completely from your speech. Be present in the moment and use your intelligence, wisdom, and throat to speak.

Honor Your Words

If you have given a promise to someone no matter who the person is, or how small the promise is, you must honor your commitment. It displays the capacity to make decisions knowing that no matter what decisions you make, you can keep your word to yourself or another person.

Will Power And Power Of Choice

The choices you make reveal your intentions. You must develop strong willpower by making choices in alignment with your life purpose, that draws on both the desires of the heart and the wisdom of the mind.

Throat Chakra Charms

Channel and boost your Throat Chakra energy


Yogi Charm

Yogi Charm wants to create a sanctuary for spiritual exploration and healing for individuals who intend to embrace spiritual practices' transforming energy and healing power

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