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7 Chakra Bracelet Set: A Daily Dose of Harmony

7 Chakra Bracelet Set: A Daily Dose of Harmony

Regular price $98.00
Regular price $152.00 Sale price $98.00
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Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee

Product Description

Elevate Your Spirit These bracelets are more than just jewelry; they are tools for spiritual, emotional, and physical alignment. With each bracelet's unique stone and color, carry the vibrational essence of each chakra with you throughout your day.

With our magnificent 7 Chakra Bracelet, you can elevate your spiritual journey. Our bracelet, which exudes balanced energy, is a thoughtful fashion statement rather than just an accessory. Every bead is in tune with each of the seven chakras, encouraging a balanced flow of energy throughout the entire body. Discover our collection to discover how style and mindfulness can enhance your aura. Embrace the bracelet's exquisite design as well as the profound significance it holds for your spiritual health. Discover a world of chic awareness where every piece narrates a story of grace and balance.

About Our 7 Chakra Bracelet Set: Your Week in Harmony

  1. Root Chakra (Black Agate): Made with Red Jasper, this bracelet is designed to ground and stabilize your energy, enhancing your sense of security and stability.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Orange Carnelian & Sandalwood): Featuring Carnelian stones, this bracelet aids in nurturing creativity, passion, and emotional balance.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Citrine): Crafted with Yellow Citrine, it empowers personal strength, confidence, and the ability to manifest your goals.
  4. Heart Chakra (Green Onyx): Our Green Onyx bracelet promotes love, compassion, and emotional healing.
  5. Throat Chakra (Blue Agate): Made with Lapis Lazuli, this bracelet enhances communication, self-expression, and truth.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Amethyst): Amethyst stones in this bracelet encourage intuition, insight, and mental clarity.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sphatik): Clear Quartz is used to connect you with higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Benefits of Our Bracelet Set:

  • Chakra Alignment: Each bracelet is energetically attuned to a specific chakra, promoting balance and alignment of your energy centers.
  • Quality Craftsmanship: Our bracelets are made with genuine, high-quality crystals and stones, ensuring durability and effectiveness.
  • Versatile Wear: Each bracelet can be worn individually or as a set, allowing you to customize your healing experience.
  • Perfect for Meditation and Yoga: Enhance your spiritual practices with these bracelets, deepening your meditation and yoga sessions.
  • Fashionable and Meaningful: Not only do these bracelets serve a spiritual purpose, but they are also stylish accessories that can complement any outfit.
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