Harmonious Fusion: Green Onyx & Sandalwood Chakra Set

Harmonious Fusion: Green Onyx & Sandalwood Chakra Set

Regular price $80.00
Regular price $125.00 Sale price $80.00
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Green Onyx, White Sandalwood, & Red Sandalwood
Heart(Anahata), Root (Muladhara)
Bead Count & Size: 108 , 8 MM, Adjustable
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee

Product Description

Dive into the lush embrace of the Green Onyx & Sandalwood Chakra Set, featuring a harmonious blend of vibrant onyx and serene sandalwood. Green onyx, with its soothing shades of emerald, fosters emotional balance and aids in fostering growth and renewal. This stone is known for its ability to sharpen your intuition and stimulate creative thinking, making it an ideal companion for those seeking personal development.

🌟 Positive Energy Flow: Green Onyx infuses your being with positive energy, fostering feelings of joy, happiness, and optimism.

🌟 Emotional Balance: Experience emotional stability and resilience as Red Sandalwood and White Sandalwood provide a soothing and calming influence.

🌟 Inner Peace: Find inner peace and tranquility amid life's chaos with the serene energy of this set.

🌟 Stress Relief: Enjoy the soothing qualities of Red and White Sandalwood as they alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

🌟 Protection: Green Onyx acts as a protective shield, safeguarding you from negative energies and enhancing your well-being.

Chakra Alignment: This incredible set harmoniously balances and activates your Heart Chakra, the center of love, compassion, and emotional well-being. By aligning this chakra, you'll experience deeper connections, nurturing relationships, and emotional harmony.

    Guide For Your Spiritual Charm

    Set Your Intention:

    • Reflect on your desired life qualities (peace, love, abundance, spiritual growth).
    • Visualize this intention and infuse it into your mala or bracelet.

    Daily Ritual:

    • Incorporate your mala or bracelet into daily spiritual practice.
    • Hold or touch it to connect with its guiding energy.
    • Recite affirmations, prayers, or mantras in alignment with your intention.

    Handle with Care:

    • Treat your mala or bracelet with reverence.
    • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or moisture.
    • Remove before activities that could cause damage.

    Regular Cleansing:

    • Maintain vibrant energy by cleansing and recharging regularly.

    During Showers and Bathing:

    • Remove before showering or bathing to preserve integrity and energy.
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