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Sacred Serenity: Red Sandalwood Kanthi Mala

Sacred Serenity: Red Sandalwood Kanthi Mala

Regular price $35.00
Regular price $53.00 Sale price $35.00
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Red Sandalwood
Bead Count & size Countless Small Beads, 2 MM
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee

Product Description

Experience the sacred tranquility and spiritual devotion with our Red Sandalwood Kanthi Mala. Crafted from the sacred wood of the red sandalwood tree, this mala is a symbol of inner peace, devotion, and connection to the divine. It's a perfect tool for meditation, prayer, and spiritual practice.

Spiritual Devotion and Inner Peace

  • Sacred Sandalwood: Red Sandalwood is revered for its sacred properties in many spiritual traditions. It is known to promote spiritual devotion, inner peace, and a deep connection to the divine.
  • Calming Aroma: The gentle and soothing aroma of Red Sandalwood aids in calming the mind and creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation and prayer.

Meditation and Prayer Aid

  • Counting Mantra: The Kanthi Mala serves as a counting tool for mantras and prayers. It helps in maintaining focus and concentration during meditation or prayer sessions.
  • Spiritual Connection: Each bead of this mala is believed to hold spiritual energy, making it a powerful aid in deepening one's spiritual practice and connection to higher realms.

Symbol of Devotion

  • Worn with Reverence: Many individuals wear the Kanthi Mala as a symbol of their devotion to a specific deity or as a reminder of their spiritual journey.
  • Spiritual Growth: It serves as a talisman for spiritual growth, fostering a sense of inner peace, devotion, and mindfulness in daily life.

Craftsmanship and Authenticity

  • Sacred Craft: Each bead of Red Sandalwood is handcrafted with reverence, ensuring that the mala not only looks beautiful but also carries the sacred energy of the wood.
  • Ethical Sourcing: We are committed to ethical sourcing practices, ensuring that our Red Sandalwood is obtained in ways that respect the environment and communities.

Possible Uses and Designs:

  • Spiritual Practice: Use the Kanthi Mala in your daily spiritual practice, whether it's meditation, mantra recitation, or prayer.
  • Spiritual Gift: Share the gift of inner peace and devotion with loved ones by gifting them this sacred mala.
  • Symbol of Faith: Wear the Kanthi Mala as a symbol of your faith and devotion to your spiritual path.

      Guide For Your Spiritual Charm

      Set Your Intention:

      • Reflect on your desired life qualities (peace, love, abundance, spiritual growth).
      • Visualize this intention and infuse it into your mala or bracelet.

      Daily Ritual:

      • Incorporate your mala or bracelet into daily spiritual practice.
      • Hold or touch it to connect with its guiding energy.
      • Recite affirmations, prayers, or mantras in alignment with your intention.

      Handle with Care:

      • Treat your mala or bracelet with reverence.
      • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or moisture.
      • Remove before activities that could cause damage.

      Regular Cleansing:

      • Maintain vibrant energy by cleansing and recharging regularly.

      During Showers and Bathing:

      • Remove before showering or bathing to preserve integrity and energy.
      View full details

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