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Luminous Purity: Sphatik Chakra Bracelet

Luminous Purity: Sphatik Chakra Bracelet

Regular price $26.00
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Sphatik (Clear Quartz)
Crown/Sahasrara Chakra
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee
Natural Crystals ...
Quality Matters
Adjustable Sizes
Energy Alignment
90 Day Guarantee

Product Description

Experience the radiant energy and pristine clarity of our Sphatik (Clear Quartz) Chakra Bracelet with Silver. This elegant bracelet combines the powerful amplifying qualities of Sphatik, also known as Clear Quartz, with the refined luster of silver, creating a harmonious blend of energy and style.

Clarity and Amplification

  • Master Healer: Clear Quartz, revered as a 'master healer', is known for its ability to amplify energy and thought. It's an excellent stone for setting intentions and magnifying them to the universe.
  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: This gemstone aids in clearing the mind, sharpening memory and concentration, and promoting mental clarity. It's ideal for anyone seeking to enhance their cognitive abilities.

Balance and Harmony

  • Chakra Alignment: Clear Quartz is unique in its versatility, working across all chakras to promote balance and harmony within the body's energy system. This makes the bracelet an essential tool for overall wellbeing.
  • Cleansing and Purification: The stone is also celebrated for its cleansing properties, purifying the aura and the environment from negative energies, and creating a positive, harmonious space.

Mindfulness and Spiritual Growth

  • Meditative Aid: The clear quartz in the bracelet serves as a potent aid in meditation, enhancing focus and facilitating a deeper connection to the higher self.
  • Spiritual Awareness: Wearing this bracelet can serve as a daily reminder of one's spiritual journey, encouraging mindfulness, presence, and an expanded state of consciousness.

    Guide For Your Spiritual Charm

    Set Your Intention:

    • Reflect on your desired life qualities (peace, love, abundance, spiritual growth).
    • Visualize this intention and infuse it into your mala or bracelet.

    Daily Ritual:

    • Incorporate your mala or bracelet into daily spiritual practice.
    • Hold or touch it to connect with its guiding energy.
    • Recite affirmations, prayers, or mantras in alignment with your intention.

    Handle with Care:

    • Treat your mala or bracelet with reverence.
    • Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or moisture.
    • Remove before activities that could cause damage.

    Regular Cleansing:

    • Maintain vibrant energy by cleansing and recharging regularly.

    During Showers and Bathing:

    • Remove before showering or bathing to preserve integrity and energy.
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